
Kumar Patchigolla

Net Zero Industry Innovation Centre

Prof. Patchigolla joined Net Zero Industry Innovation Centre (NZIIC). His research focuses on advanced power generation cycles, renewables with energy storage, thermal desalination with minerals recovery and industrial decarbonisation. Currently Prof. Patchigolla has a research team of 3 PhDs and 3 postdocs at Net Zero Industry Innovation Centre. He has a strong track record in the production of high-quality peer reviewed journals papers (83 papers; h-factor=28-29) rated 4* for net zero thermal engineering approaches. Some illustrations include: Green methanol shipping corridor, CMDC round 4; reducing marine emissions, ASAYD shipping company via GUTech; Hydrogen liquefication and zero storage losses, REHIP; EU Project-DESOLINATION – “demonstration of concentrated solar power coupled with advanced desalination system in the Gulf region”, involving the design and manufacture of a 2.0 MWe sCO2 cycle and recovering minerals from concentrated brine to manufacture concrete aggregates.