6 - 10 April 2025

Oman Convention & Exhibition Centre

Muscat, Oman

Exploring the Nexus: Green Hydrogen and Desalination for Sustainable Water and Energy Solutions

10 April 2025 | Meeting Rooms 8 & 9 | OCEC, Muscat

Hydrogen and Water Desalination Synergy Workshop

Welcome to the International Workshop on “Exploring the Nexus: Green Hydrogen and Desalination for Sustainable Water and Energy Solutions,” taking place during Oman Water Week. This workshop brings together global experts to explore the intersection of green hydrogen and desalination, two crucial technologies that hold immense potential for addressing the growing demand for sustainable water and energy solutions. In addition to technological discussions, we will explore the economic perspectives of green hydrogen and desalination, assessing costs, funding mechanisms, and financial viability, while also examining their environmental and social implications with a focus on sustainability, resource management, and community involvement.

9:00 AM - 9:15 AM
Welcome and Opening Remarks

Welcome and Opening Remarks

Dr. Sausan Al Riyami

Oman Hydrogen Centre, Oman


Overview of workshop objectives and importance of the nexus between green hydrogen and desalination, in particular in the context of Oman.

Dr. Jauad El Kharraz

WECEN, Morocco


Overview of workshop objectives and importance of the nexus between green hydrogen and desalination, in particular in the context of Oman.

9:15 AM - 9:45 AM
Session One - Green Hydrogen Ecosystem in Oman

Session One - Green Hydrogen Ecosystem in Oman

Rumaitha Al Busaidi

Business and ICV Development Manager Hydrom



Overview of current research and development efforts in both fields worldwide
and in Oman, and lessons learned worldwide and projects in the pipeline

Discussion on In-Country Value and local content initiatives and building local
capacity in the industry

9:45 AM - 11:15 AM
Session Two - Technology Innovations

Session Two - Technology Innovations

Eng. Helton Bezerra

Global Account Manager, Electrolysis_Hydrogen
Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen, Germany



Presentation on the latest technologies in green hydrogen production and
desalination processes (e.g., PEM, Alkaline, PEC, RO, etc.) and the potential in

Discussion on integration opportunities between hydrogen and desalination

Discussion on water use efficiency (water use accounting along the value chain)
and energy efficiency in the process of green hydrogen production.

Siva Kumar Kota

Head of Technology
Gradiant, Singapore



Presentation on the latest technologies in green hydrogen production and
desalination processes (e.g., PEM, Alkaline, PEC, RO, etc.) and the potential in

Discussion on integration opportunities between hydrogen and desalination

Discussion on water use efficiency (water use accounting along the value chain)
and energy efficiency in the process of green hydrogen production.

11:15 AM - 11:30 AM

Coffee Break

11:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Session Three - Economic Perspectives

Session Three - Economic Perspectives

Frank Wouters

Director of the EU MED-GEM Network, UAE



Analysis of the economic viability of green hydrogen and desalination projects, the current costs of 1 kg of green h2 and 1 m3 of desalinated water and the perspectives by 2030

12:00 PM - 12:30 PM
Session Four - Environmental and Social Considerations

Session Four - Environmental and Social Considerations

Dr. Zahra Allahdad

Manager of Environment Department



Assessment of the environmental impacts of green hydrogen and desalination, and discussion on sustainability practices and resources management

Exploration of the social implications of implementing green hydrogen production
and its derivatives together with desalination plants required for PtX

Stakeholder engagement and community involvement strategies

12:30 PM - 1:00 PM
Interactive Discussion and Q&A

Interactive Discussion and Q&A

Lionel H.J. Rabin

Managing Director, Haltiqa – Bridging Energies



Open floor for participants to share insights, ask questions, and discuss potential collaborations


Dr. Sausan Al Riyami

Director - Oman Hydrogen Centre

Frank Wouters

Director of the EU MED-GEM Network, UAE

Rumaitha Al Busaidi

Business & ICV Development Manager - Hydrom

Siva Kumar Kota

Head of Technology - Gradiant International Holdings

Eng. Helton Bezerra

Global Account Manager, Electrolysis_Hydrogen - Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen, Germany

Dr. Zahra Allahdad


Lionel H.J. Rabin

Managing Director, Haltiqa – Bridging Energies

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