
GianLuca Rolandelli

Global Product Manager, ABB

GianLuca Rolandelli is having 25+ years of technical experience and joined ABB in 2015, after workingwith prominent organizations in crucial roles (Project Management, Sales Support, Head of Professional Services). In ABB GianLuca started as responsible of Software Distribution Operations for Automation Software in the Industrial Automation Division. Since 2020, GianLuca has taken the role of Responsible for Product Management of Smart Water Solutions into Process Automation - Energy Industries Division of ABB (reporting to Water Segment Manager). In his current role, GianLuca is managing the product requirements and go-to-market operations (training, demos, pricing, documentation, and support to business opportunities), together with Strategic Roadmaps definition. GianLuca is also participating to discussion groups and standardization bodies regarding the future of Water and is promoting Digitalization as a key element for achieving Water Sustainability.


23 January 2024 Day 2

From data collection to a decision support system