
Dr. Abdelnasser Mabrouk

Expert - Desalination and Brine Concatenation Technology Gulf Core Company

I am highly motivated and have a solid academic and industry background (more than 25 years) in membrane/thermal
desalination technology development. I would make a valuable addition to the innovative R&D landscape. I have
contributed and participated in active R&D-based academic and industry firms to minimize the environmental
impact of desalination plants' brine blowdown via innovative technology and sustainability solutions. I have several
patent ideas for membrane and thermal brine concentration technology for salt production. This direction's strategic
benefit is encouraging technology localization and opening a new market out of brine mining/crystallization. Brine
mining would provide the local market with precious minerals. It would give the Gas and Oil field industry wet salts
required for intermediate transformation technology, such as polymers and Chlor-Alkali, to maintain Mud
composition and characterization.