Eng. Saud Al Shidhani

With a career spanning over 20 years, Eng : Saud Al-Shidhani has navigated through various roles in the water, sanitation, and sewage sector, showcasing his versatility in governmental institutions, government-owned companies, oil and gas sector entities, and private enterprises. Presently, he holds the position of Manager of Water and Sanitation Sector Regulation at the Public Services Regulatory Authority. Throughout his professional journey, Saud has been instrumental in overseeing the successful implementation of numerous water and sanitation projects in the Sultanate.
In 2021, Saud joined the Public Services Regulatory Authority, assuming the responsibility of regulating the water sector—a position he currently holds. With a wealth of experience spanning both public and private sectors, Saud is a seasoned communication professional proficient in optimizing organizational assets for success. His skills encompass formulating strategic business objectives, implementing efficient systems and processes, and monitoring performance metrics such as key performance indicators and outsourcing agreements across diverse business sectors.